Just a quick reminder that this week starts GWAP season 2013-14!! What a blessing this ministry has been to me and my girls for the last 4 years! I hope it has been for you also! God has continued to lead this group and I pray I will always get out of His way and lead according to His desires as long as He sees fit to keep it going. I know that "remodeling" to a mother/daughter offers some challenges. We live in a busy world, but please know that investing in time with your daughter(s) to seek The Lord will never be something you regret! As I lay down each night I have a list of "I should have's" as far as things I should have done differently with my girls, but never have I regretted taking the time to read the bible with them, pray with them, or any other endeavor that brought God into our minds and hearts together.
I did my best to be a leader for GWAP when it was a young girls group, but God kept pressing on me the need to involve you mothers. I know He has plans to bless this time...we just have to make the choice, be intentional and give Him the time. I'm not asking for you to add another commitment to your already busy schedules, I'm just asking that you pray about your schedule and seek if your priorities are teaching your children to value eternal things or the things of this world that only matter for a short time. If you have read my testimony then you know I have made many bad choices in my life, but the more God grows me the more I see thru different eyes. I see that so much that we consider important is really not. So come learn with us what is important and why. Come seek a love and peace that passes all understanding, all failures, and all people!
See you Friday at 6:30pm!!
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