How does one trust
in Jesus?
I believe we are all born with a yearning inside, every one
of us, for the Creator. Some try to fill
that yearning with different things (money, men/women, kids, knowledge etc.). But the only thing that fits that empty spot
inside us is Jesus. And He promises in
His word that He will reveal Himself to every man. "For since the creation of the world His
invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly
seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without
excuse" Romans 1:20. This is the work of the Holy Spirit calling
you, applying pressure to seek God. I
believe the next step in coming to know that you need Jesus is seeing Jesus and
God for who they are. Once we know who God is and what He did thru
Jesus, and I mean know and believe with our heart…we can’t help but call
out to Him because we see our sins and life compared to a perfect God, a
perfect God that loves us, and we are humbled.
Thru that humility our heart is softened, our pride is gone, our need is
exposed and we are ready to accept the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
So let me tell you a little about who God is. He created all. I mean all.
Read the first 2 chapters of Genesis (first
book of the bible), and see how He did it.
He just spoke it and it happened.
I mean literally said, “Let there be light” and it was so. If He can just speak things into existence
then how could we ever question His ability to handle us or our lives? In Romans 5:8 it
says, “Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This demonstrates God's
love for us.” So think about
this…He loved us while we were spitting on Him, beating Him with an instrument
designed to rip flesh off, lying about Him, rejecting His love, slapping Him, humiliating
Him, turning our backs to His pain and ultimately killing Him, yet He had the
power to speak whatever He wanted and it would happen. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard
time loving someone that has only lied about me, and if I had that kind of
power…wow would I be dangerous. So let
your mind sit in this place for a minute…yeah,
He loves you that much.
His love for us is beyond what we can comprehend, His power
is beyond what we can imagine, and His patience is beyond human possibility. So that is God in a very small nutshell. He loves us, He is capable of anything, and
He is perfect. I don’t measure up…I
don’t even qualify to get on the scales.
This is the part I was saying humbles you.
(“Humble yourselves before the Lord,
and he will lift you up.” James 4:10)
Now for the next step in this process... Once you see yourself against the backdrop of
God’s perfection and realize that you are not worthy, or able to be in His
presence, you have to realize that there is way to be His child. He made that way thru suffering and
enduring. Romans
6:23 tells us that the cost to pay for your sin and mine is death. That’s it.
There is no other way. I still
stand empty.
Ok here’s the suffering and enduring part, Jesus which is
God in human form came to this earth thru a virgin birth walked with us for 33
years without committing a single sin.
During that time He revealed a way of life that was fulfilling and
satisfying to that emptiness in our soul.
Then He willingly allowed us to beat, spit, humiliate, reject, slap, and
kill Him. This was the price for our
sin. This was the death that was
I want to let that sink in a minute…
Ok now here’s the rest of Romans
6:23…”but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Three days later He was
resurrected. Showing and proving that He
was God. Showing and proving that He
loves us more than we can understand. He
endured death and came back to pay for our sins so that we could spend eternity
with Him once we trust Him with our souls and life and accept His gift of
payment. John
14:6 says, “Jesus answered him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No
one goes to the Father except through me.’
Romans 4:24 says, “but also for us. Our faith will be regarded as God's
approval of us who believe in the one who brought Jesus, our Lord, back to
life.” “He that hath the Son hath life;
and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” 1 John 5:12
Now you know. It’s
simply but not easy. It’s a gift
accepted thru weeping and sorrow, but it’s a gift we could never get
ourselves. It’s forever. It’s not just words, thru our love and
dedication to Him it’s a life change.
How could it not be?
Now you stand in a place to make a decision…will you see
yourself as He sees you? Will you humble
yourself enough to trust Him? Will you
accept or reject Him? Will you make your
own way that leads to hell? Or will you
call out for Him and accept His way to heaven?
He wishes for all men to be saved (1 Timothy
2:4), what do you wish?
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