After such a great camp time I am very happy with what God is doing here. A prayer and leading I feel God has for this group is to raise up leaders to lead smaller girls. Titus 2 says the older woman should teach the younger and that is just what I'm looking for with these girls. At camp especially I saw the makings of a leader in a couple of girls and as I see this I will begin to facilitate that leadership with our class. #1 quality is a love for Christ that leads them to sacrifice anything for Him. Thanks be to God I'm seeing that develop. Age isn't a factor neither are awards...pure hearts that love God and others is what I'm looking for. I tell you this bc as I can I will pull these girls aside and ask for service from them. The type of service will vary but I pray you will encourage them in it. And I pray they will develop a passion to serve God above all other things in their life.
From my own experience I have had to adjust my desires at times for my girls bc what I wanted them to focus on was different than what God had in store. My fleshly eyes wanted ball or fun experience for them when humble quiet sacrifice blessed them more. I'm trying each day to be more responsive to God's desires for my girls than mine. I pray you are too, bc the only place they are safe and blessed is in God's will.
Now let's get excited about September 5th!!!! See you there! Let me know if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for being a blessing to this group!!!
In Christ,
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